Sit-in home care

Sit-in home care is temporary care to provide caregivers relief from the full-time care they have been providing for your loved one.

Sit-in home care

Sit-in Care is temporary care to provide caregivers relief from the full-time care they have been providing for your loved one. At Jes Care Services, sit-in care can be arranged on a temporary basis with no obligation to continue home services once we are no longer needed.

We are here to help when you need us
sit-in home care services carer with elderly man reading book

Why choose live in care?

Live in care allows your loved one to remain in his or her home, while ensuring safety and promoting optimal well-being. In addition, carers offer a much more personalised plan of care with one-to-one support tailored to the status, conditions, preferences, hobbies and lifestyle of the individual.

Our sit-in care services

With sit-in care, a carer will be available when needed to watch over your loved one, offering emotional support, reducing fall risk and assisting in all activities of daily living including:

Personal care
Lifestyle support

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